Skyrim: 10 Most Useful Shouts and Where to Learn Them


€œYour Voice lashes out at a dragon's very soul, forcing the beast to land.€ Words: JOOR (Mortal), ZAH (Finite), FRUL (Temporary) More likely than not, up until your toon learned Dragonrend you€™d spent half of each dragon battle looking up at your foe in the sky and cursing €˜where is this thing going?!€™ And then you tried Dragonrend and suddenly, the fight was back on your terms. With just one of the words in the phrase you€™ll down a dragon for 15 seconds (easily enough to finish off one of the weaker lizards) and this is enhanced with each level of power to 18 and 22 seconds respectively. Dragonrend really is a game-changer, it€™s a time-saver and having the ability to control such a malevolent beast in such a way just feels awesome every time. Uses: Dragonrend is another specific shout that only has one real function. But what a function. Even if your character specialises in ranged attacks, Dragons fly at such a speed and height that they often make themselves impossible to hit. Getting it down to eye level with Dragonrend is invariably the best way for any character class ranged or otherwise to quickly whup a dragon with a minimum of fuss. Where to Learn: Throat of the World (during Alduin€™s Bane quest)

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.