Skyrim: 10 Most Useful Shouts and Where to Learn Them

Call Dragon

€œOdahviing! Hear my Voice and come forth. I summon you in my time of need.€ Words: OD (Snow), AH (Hunter), VIING (Wing) Call Dragon is a shout learned at the very end of the main story quest and for it to be at its most effective it€™s advisable for the player to focus on completing this before tackling the factions and such. Basically, using this awesome shout summons the great dragon Odahviing to fight by your side. That€™s its only function, but Jesus, do you really need another one? All three words of Call Dragon are learned at once during The Fallen quest and the phrase must be used in its completion in order for it to work. The cooldown time is also ridiculously long, but there is a loophole: if the player uses this shout and uses the wait function immediately afterwards, the cooldown will be nullified but Odaviing will still be summoned. Uses: You use Call Dragon when you want to call a f*@&ng dragon in to battle for you. Which is always. And there€™s very little in the way of limitation, you just have to be outdoors and willing to wait the immense cool down time before you can shout again (it€™s a pity Strepsils don€™t exist in Skyrim eh?) Not only is having a dragon at your personal command probably at least 60% of Skyrim€™s audiences€™ main lifetime aspiration, he€™s also un-killable and won€™t leave until all enemies on the battlefield are dead. But then, I€™d expect no less from a f*@&ng dragon. Where to Learn: All words learned at: High Hrothgar

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.