Spider-Man: Miles Morales – 10 Things Critics Are Saying

5. It's Not Exactly An "Epic" Experience

Spider-Man Miles Morales

The lineup of launch games for both the PS5 and Xbox Series X have come under fire, with many believing that current world events have seen both Sony and Microsoft rush the consoles out in time for Christmas with the true, top tier titles not ready in time (Halo Infinite, for example).

In VGC's Spider-Man: Miles Morales' review, it's noted that, "If you’re looking to start your PS5 journey with something innovative, you’ve come to the wrong place. Additionally, although it’s still a meaty story, it’s a game you’ll be able to finish over the Christmas weekend." The site goes so far as to say, "If you’re after an open world epic to get lost in, this isn’t that game either."

That's definitely a shame, and looking over the vast majority of reviews, it seems the game may be more of a technical showcase of the PS5's potential rather than an actual demonstration of it.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, of course, and it sounds like a fun time. The question is, however, how long will it take to reach the aforementioned post-credits scene?


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