Spider-Man: Miles Morales – 10 Things Critics Are Saying

4. How Long Does It Take To Complete?

Spider-Man Miles Morales

For many gamers, the lengthier a launch title like Spider-Man: Miles Morales is, the better. After all, the best games are often those you can become truly lost in, but it doesn't sound like this is going to be much longer than "The City That Never Sleeps" DLC which was released for Spider-Man.

As Gamespot points out, "It's high-key set piece after high-key set piece for most of its 11-hour runtime, with very little time reserved for quiet moments of reflection." That number comes up in a lot of reviews, with the main story said to only be around eight or nine hours in length.

Worryingly, this review goes on to explain that it often feels like Spider-Man: Miles Morales, "is almost rushing towards its conclusion, desperate to deliver on the promise that Miles ends the game as a seasoned Spider-Man without really slowing down to show you how he manages to earn the respect and appreciation of a city that already knows and loves a Spider-Man."

Despite boasting a hefty price tag, it seems those fears that the game would basically be glorified DLC may have now been proven correct.


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