Spider-Man: Miles Morales – 10 Things Critics Are Saying

3. How The DualSense Controller Factors Into Things

Spider-Man Miles Morales

Sony's PlayStation 5 is clearly an impressive beast, and a console with a lot of groundbreaking technology inside its massive case. However, something that's been generating equally as much attention is the supposedly revolutionary DualSense controller. The PS3's Sixaxis controller proved to be little more than a gimmick, and Sony simplified things with the PS4.

Time will tell how things go for the DualSense, but Games Radar's review sheds at least some light on how it affects Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

"Even before the action starts, the intro - with Miles on a subway - introduces the new DualSense haptics with a 'holy s**t that actually feels like a train!' moment," they reveal. "Throughout the game the pad physically pops and crackles with Miles' electrical Venom abilities, and recreates many recognizable sensations through some sort of vibrational voodoo."

That actually sounds pretty amazing, and a great use of the controller's capabilities. It's clearly well-suited to Spider-Man's world, and should enhance this brief visit to the Big Apple.


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