Spider-Man: Miles Morales – 10 Things Critics Are Saying

2. How It Compares To The PS4 Version

Spider-Man Miles Morales

Managing to secure a pre-order for the PlayStation 5 was no easy feat, but Spider-Man: Miles Morales is set to also be released on the PS4. That at least means gamers unable or unwilling to move on to the next generation of consoles will still have the opportunity to experience this adventure.

So, how do the two versions of the game compare? Well, in Digital Spy's review, it's explained that on the PS5, "The city will feel busier and full of NPCs, draw distances extend further into the city giving you a clearer image of where you're swinging to, and more minute detail will be found in the world."

The add that, "[The] PS4 version of the Miles Morales will feel similar to the 2018 game, but it will be a significant loss to not enjoy the ray-tracing improvements or the higher frame rate. This game is meant to be played on the PlayStation 5, and you'd be missing out on a lot of meat from this game if you play it on the older generation of console."

While full reviews of the PS4 version of Spider-Man: Miles Morales have yet to be revealed, it's clear that the best experience will be on the PS5.


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