Spider-Man PS4: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best
6. Aunt May
Aunt May has always been the moral compass and teacher to Peter, whether or not he is searching for wisdom in his everyday life or his superhero one.
May has a lot more about her in this interpretation as she has her own drive aside from raising Peter. So often with Aunt May, she can seem to only act as a plot point or guardian, but here, given that Peter has gone through college and lives in his own apartment away from her, she has occupied her time by working for F.E.A.S.T. and doing good for New York.
She still plays the classic role of mentor to Peter, but the extra dimensions added to her character make her feel stronger than many of her previous appearances in any medium.
And of course, the impact she has on the closing moments of the game are huge, and are bound to deeply affect Peter for the rest of his life, equally as much as the death of Uncle Ben.