Spider-Man PS4: 10 Comic Storylines Insomniac Must Use

6. The Death Of Jean DeWolff

Spider man ps4
Marvel Comics

Spider-Man doesn't just have one of the best casts of comic book villains (being second only to Batman's), but he has a fantastic set of supporting characters too. One of his most prominent allies during the '70s and '80s was a police detective named Jean DeWolff, who, you guessed it, got unceremoniously bumped-off in one particular tale, penned by the great Peter David.

'The Death of Jean DeWolff' isn't just a good Spider-Man story, but a fantastic comic book thriller all around. It brings suspense right to the centre of Spidey's life and is propelled forward by a markedly good character-driven narrative. With Peter being clad in the symbiote his demeanour was less than his cheery self anyway, so you can imagine that he didn't react kindly when one of his closest friends was killed in such a brutal fashion.

Personally, I really hope this Spidey tale is grandiose in every sense of the word. We can save the darker stuff for a sequel if need be, but it would be absolutely perfect if DeWolff was introduced in this title as a secondary protagonist. Build up her role for the inevitable sequel, then dive into her death later on down the line. It's such a seminal story in the Spidey mythos, which warrants its inclusion alone.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.