Splatoon: 10 Best Multiplayer Maps - Ranked

3. Moray Towers

splatoon game

Moray Towers stands out as being the most unique map in the whole game for one specific reason; verticality.

Whilst verticality appears in a lot of Splatoon maps, its taken to the extreme with Moray Towers. The map is literally made up of two massive towers opposite from one another, with both teams starting at the top and racing to make their way down.

The genius of this level design is that it outright demands that you make your way to the action. Besides staying on only one tower, the only part of the map that is shared is the middle. This means that players will always be contending for this section, no matter what, which can occasionally result in matches feeling similar.

Whether it be through Rollers running down the tower or carefree Inklings jumping straight to the middle, Moray Towers is always frantic and- most importantly- fun.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.