Spyro The Dragon: Every Realm Ranked

4. Gnasty’s World

Spyro Reignited
Toys For Bob

Gnasty’s World only really has two levels, plus the boss battle and the reward for 100% completion. It’s hardly even a realm at all - just a floating platform with four metallic dragon heads on it.

Because of this streamlined nature, it’s never going to compete with Spyro’s best three realms. However, both Gnorc Cove and Twilight Harbour are perfectly in keeping with the idea that Gnasty has a sheltered, off the coast lair where he can do his evil business. You know, like watching TV interviews where the dragons call him ugly.

The boss battle itself is better when you consider what it represents. Chasing two egg thieves (who now have keys), then chasing Gnasty through two different routes is hardly Psycho Mantis tier of boss battles, but finally beating the game felt awesome nonetheless. That feeling was doubled with the nostalgia rush in Reignited.

As for Gnasty’s Loot, the carefree glides to Gnasty’s various keys to unlock his treasure troves was a lovely way to end the adventure. For many fans, it’s the best reward for completion in Reignited. Aside from the brevity, the only downside is that already freed dragons are reused with little explanation.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)