Spyro The Dragon: Every Realm Ranked

3. Magic Crafters

Spyro Reignited
Toy For Bob

Competition in the top three is really tight. Magic Crafters has to settle for bronze though, as there’s one clear thing dragging it down: Blowhard.

The boss battle (if you can call it that) is for some reason a bearded tornado, but it moves so slowly you can easily get in the three required hits before he even tries to strike you. The level leading up to him is fairly uneventful too. Magic Crafters only really has one misfire, but it’s a big one.

On to the positives; there are a lot more of them, after all. The egg thieves, though their taunting giggles made you want to strangle them, were an integral part of the first Spyro game. In Magic Crafters, they had probably the most inventive hiding places of the lot, pushing you to explore every corner of each level.

Magic Crafters also introduced Super Charge, and with its metallic spiders and weather throwing spellcasters, had some of the coolest enemies around. The dragons too, while a little overdesigned in places, were wonderfully whimsical. The fact it’s only third is evidence of how great Spyro’s realms were.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)