Star Trek: 10 Video Games That Would Be Better In A Holodeck

1. Silent Hill

silent_hill You're strolling through a neighborhood at dusk. There is a strange fog covering everything. You can't see more than a few feet in front of you. Something feels off. You try to find your way to the police station, or anywhere really to get some answers. You see a figure walking toward you through the fog. You call out but you get no answer. As the figure gets closer you realize something is very, very wrong. Against your better judgement you continue to stroll towards the figure. As it finally emerges from the fog the true horror of the situation dawns on you. This creature has only one arm, its body is twisted and mangled. It groans as it stumbles towards you. You realize it's time to cut and run only to realize you are now surrounded by these creatures. Oh, you only have a flashlight to defend yourself. You're in Silent Hill. Konami's seminal horror series debuted in 1999, scaring the crap out of gamers everywhere. The clever use of sound, atmosphere and limited health and ammunition created a tense, harrowing scenario that was as much an experience as a game. Then they went ahead and upped the ante with Silent Hill 2, fostering nightmares across the world with the introduction of demon nurses and Pyramid Head. Sure the series has diminished significantly over the years but that is mostly due to poor control schemes and wonky cameras. Luckily, playing these stories out on the holodeck removes control schemes all together leaving you free to experience the terror at will. Of course, this game was pretty good at immobilizing through sheer terror when played on a late 90's console. You may want to think twice about subjecting yourself to it in the immersive nature of the holodeck. Safety protocols don't guard against heart attack. So there it is. A completely hypothetical scenario about imaginary worlds set in another imaginary world. What games do you think belong on the list? Which of these games don't belong? Engage.
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A longtime fan of all things Science Fiction, gamer, cinefile, voracious reader and triathlete (one of these things is not like the other). You can find examples of my science fiction writings as well as updates on a hopefully upcoming novel at