Star Trek: 10 Video Games That Would Be Better In A Holodeck

9. Rock Band

rockband2_hero The crowd is in a frenzy. You're absolutely shredding your solo. You jump from your monitor as you blaze through the last few notes then leap into the crowd for an epic stage dive. Luckily the holodeck fail safes are in place to protect you from the drunk idiots in the mosh pit. Harmonix released their epic cooperative band game in 2008 and it quickly outpaced rival Guitar Hero. For years friends would gather in living rooms and dank basements to act out their rock star fantasies (usually minus the drugs and groupies but not always). However, after a few years the market dried up and the games have been relegated to used games stores while the peripherals are gathering dust in attics only occasionally to see the light of day at local garage sales. Yet in the 24th century you won't have to worry about the prohibitive cost of the gear since money isn't used in the Federation. Just program the venue and set list and get your Rock God on! So what if you're playing a plastic guitar with buttons and switches in place of strings and frets? The crowd is a holodeck construct and they adore you and that is all that matters The holodeck made Commander Riker a jazz star. Imagine what it could do for you.
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A longtime fan of all things Science Fiction, gamer, cinefile, voracious reader and triathlete (one of these things is not like the other). You can find examples of my science fiction writings as well as updates on a hopefully upcoming novel at