Star Trek: 10 Video Games That Would Be Better In A Holodeck

8. Bushido Blade

bushido Released for the original PlayStation in 1997, Bushido Blade had the player acting as a rogue assassin on the run. He is forced to fight comrades in an attempt to reveal the dark secrets of the dojo's master. What made this game so great was it's departure from the norms of the fighting genre. There was no health bar and no timer. The duels felt real and any strike could result in death. The game felt as close to a samurai's journey as we could get. Which is why it would make such a perfect holodeck game. Just imagine walking through the holodeck arch, selecting your sword of choice and then proceeding through a handful of intense, life or death duels with fellow master practitioners. Don't for get everything is set in the gorgeous confines of mountainous Japan. Of course, the holodeck safety features would protect you from any real harm but what a way to get a workout, both mentally and physically. We have a feeling this would be a popular one with the Klingons too.
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A longtime fan of all things Science Fiction, gamer, cinefile, voracious reader and triathlete (one of these things is not like the other). You can find examples of my science fiction writings as well as updates on a hopefully upcoming novel at