Star Trek: 10 Video Games That Would Be Better In A Holodeck


GTA-IV Rockstar's 2008 epic is widely renowned for the immersive, open world experience it provides players. Players take on the persona of Niko Bellic, an immigrant to the United States from Eastern Europe. He falls back into a life of crime and slowly works his way up through the gangland hierarchy. The aspect that made this game so great is the same that makes is perfect for the holodeck. Players could pretty much do whatever they wanted to. Hungry? Just head over to the Cluckin' Bell and grab some grub. Want to run some drugs? Just ring up Little Jacob. Want to mindlessly ride the El around town? Just head to the nearest station and hop on. On the holodeck this game becomes truly epic. Instead of directing the character with button presses you are actually having the conversation with Mikhail Faustin You actually drive the car, pilot the helipcopter, fire the bazooka at the crowd of civilians for no good reason. Just as Picard regularly retreated to his Dixon Hill stories you can spend countless hours playing the part of Bad Mr. Bellic. The awesome accent is optional.
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A longtime fan of all things Science Fiction, gamer, cinefile, voracious reader and triathlete (one of these things is not like the other). You can find examples of my science fiction writings as well as updates on a hopefully upcoming novel at