Star Trek: 10 Video Games That Would Be Better In A Holodeck

6. Skyrim


Skyrim is one of the best games of the current console generation. Players are able to walk, ride or transport to virtually any location they can see. Countless missions await at every town. Enemies lurk around every corner. In 2011 Bethseda released likely one of the most immersive video game experiences of all time. What game would translate better to the holodeck than the ultimate open world experience? A game that resulted in thousands and thousands of lost hours around the world would do the same even in the 24th century. Skyrim allows you to pick up and play at your leisure. You can take on a multi-part mission containing dungeon crawls and massive dragon batles. You can scale mountains. You can get a job as a blacksmith. You can become a vampire. On the holodeck one would only be limited by the time available to play. All the things that make Skyrim great; the immersive experience, the open world, the ability to do what you want, when you want, would be muiltipled a hundred fold on the holodeck. Players would even have access to fast travel: "Computer, take me to Winterguard". Of course, just as today, 24th century gamers would have to guard against getting lost in the world of Skyrim. How many 21st century players have looked up at the clock only to realize their Saturday morning gaming session has suddenly taken up most of their weekend? This won't necessarily end on the holodeck. So make sure you've got plenty of time or at least ask the computer to warn you when your next shift is about to start.
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A longtime fan of all things Science Fiction, gamer, cinefile, voracious reader and triathlete (one of these things is not like the other). You can find examples of my science fiction writings as well as updates on a hopefully upcoming novel at