Star Trek: 10 Video Games That Would Be Better In A Holodeck

5. Assassin's Creed

asassins creed Stealth Assassination without consequences, what better way to blow off some steam after a marathon shift in Engineering? Ubisoft's 2007 classic puts gamers in the shoes of a deadly assassins at various points in history. As with any game players are limited by the quirks of programming but what if those quirks were essentially removed? Imagine stalking your prey through the streets of an ancient market, conversing with DaVinci about his inventions, leaping from the tops of towers into conveniently placed piles of hay. Throw in the puzzles, rooftop chases and strong story and you've got a winner. Even better, in the 24th century you will have access to 300 additional years of history as well as additional cultures. Maybe you relive an encounter on the first Martian colony or partake in an ancient Klingon civil war. The possibilities for this one are endless. So plug in to the animus, strap on your hidden blade and get to work on your next assignment.
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A longtime fan of all things Science Fiction, gamer, cinefile, voracious reader and triathlete (one of these things is not like the other). You can find examples of my science fiction writings as well as updates on a hopefully upcoming novel at