Star Trek: 10 Video Games That Would Be Better In A Holodeck

3. Metal Gear Solid


Assassin's Creed has its share of stealth moments but the overall experience of the Metal Gear Solid franchise land it at #3. Konami's 1998 offering for the original Playstation blended stealth, espionage, gadgets and an incredible, if slightly ludicrous, story-line to craft a must play for any holodeck gamer. You take on the persona of Solid Snake and try to infiltrate Fox Hound's secret lair: Shadow Moses. You have to avoid guards, locate prisoners, survive torture and ultimately fight against your psychotic clone brother. The moment that really seals the deal for MGS though is the encounter with Psycho Mantis. Gamers in the late 90's were floored when one of the creepiest villains in gaming apparently read your mind and controlled your actions. This was of course a clever bit of programming made possible by having the game read your memory card. It also required you to switch inputs for your controller. Can you imagine what the computer would have to do to recreate this on a holodeck? The presence of force fields and memory scans provide a full range of possibilities. This says nothing of the follow up games either. Players could take on the personas of Raiden or Naked Snake and run the gamut of outlandish espionage action. MGS is clearly deserving of its spot on this list.
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A longtime fan of all things Science Fiction, gamer, cinefile, voracious reader and triathlete (one of these things is not like the other). You can find examples of my science fiction writings as well as updates on a hopefully upcoming novel at