Star Wars 10 Most Powerful Uses Of The Force

6. Massive Wall Of Light (Tales Of The Jedi: The Sith War)

star wars force unleashed

Dive deep enough into Jedi lore and you'll likely find the name "Exar Kun" popping up over and over again. Well there's a good reason for that: he was one of the biggest baddest Sith lords to ever walk the star map. So powerful and so dangerous that he nearly brought the entire galaxy under his heel and the Jedi order to complete ruin.

Fortunately, the Jedi had one last trick up their sleeve. One of the most powerful light side techniques, known as the wall of light. When successfully performed, the technique can either contain or purge altogether, the power of the dark side of the force from any single location or person. Like any good ultimate attack, this already devastating technique gets even stronger with stacking.

Which was definitely good for the Jedi at the time, since just one wall of light wasn't enough to take down Exar Kun. Nearly every living Jedi at the time had to join together to finally bring Kun to heel. But even though it couldn't kill such a powerful Sith lord, the story does make it clear that he wasn't going to get out of there any time soon.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?