Star Wars 10 Most Powerful Uses Of The Force

4. Force Storm (Dark Empire)

star wars force unleashed

If you thought Rise Of Skywalker was the first example of Star Wars being unwilling to let go of Palpatine, then you are a foolish fool of foolishness because you clearly haven't read Dark Empire.

Dark Empire has a lot that separates it from Rise, but one thing they do have in common is that it makes abundantly clear that Vader really did save Luke's bacon by throwing Sheev over the side, because Palpatine deep frying Luke's ass with force lightning was the equivalent of a cat playing with a ball of string. Dark Empire shows what he can do if he REALLY sets his mind to killing ya dead.

Case in point, the Force Storm technique. By gathering together all of his rage and hatred, Palpatine can literally form a devastating cosmic storm with his mind that can not only tear entire starships to ribbons, but can even summon wormholes across the galaxy from where he is, allowing him to easily snatch up Luke from Coruscant.

The fact that this ability has never been replicated by any other Sith lord before or since goes to show just how powerful Palpatine had to have been to do it himself.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?