Star Wars 10 Most Powerful Uses Of The Force

3. Force Projection (The Last Jedi)

star wars force unleashed

Many Star Wars fans, even those who sang the praises of The Last Jedi, declared the film to be a rejection of nostalgia and a declaration that the past should be killed to pave way for the new. Yes, the film where the main heroine spends the whole movie trying to convince the previous protagonist to come back and be awesome, and then he does, proving once and for all that he really was the best like no one ever REJECTING nostalgia.

Besides being the perfect counter argument to people mistaking the belief of the psycho Sith lord whom we're supposed to think is wrong and bad for the moral of the story, force projection is also one of the most astounding feats of force power this franchise has ever produced.

In this scene, Luke basically projects a perfect image of himself across the entire galaxy, able to fool anyone into thinking he's really there unless they're really good force users like Leia or, in Kylo Ren's case, not blinded by white hot impotent rage.

Sure, it basically takes everything out of him, and he dies immediately afterwards, but the feat itself is extraordinary enough that that basically doesn't matter.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?