Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Shocking Things You Need To Know

6. It's Set On Four Planets - Tatooine, Endor, Hoth & Sullust

That last one is what's got everyone talking - apparently Sullust was a planet mentioned by Vader in Episode VI, yet it remains a place of critical importance to both the Empire and the Rebels due to its geographical location, multiple trade routes and spaceports. Basically, DICE have found a chokepoint with equal worth to both sides, and mashing together the glorious elements that make up the biggest and best Star Wars battles into such a place will be stupidly fun. As for the rest, Endor's the speeder bike-filled jungle-area seen in Episode VI, Tatooine the desert planet Obi-Wan takes Luke and company too in IV, and Hoth the all-singing all-ice-filled expanse from the start of Empire. Needless to say they've got their bases covered with fans, and when you lob in Jakku for the new-bloods, it's going to be smiles all round.
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