Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Shocking Things You Need To Know

5. Boba Fett And Darth Vader Are Playable

Oh yes, all the people waiting to see which powered-up characters were going to be deploying alongside their troops got their prayers answered in a big way - as come the close of the teaser we first see Vader fire up his 'saber, only for later on Boba to be shown flying around picking units off with ease. All of these cameo-characters have always been fun to embody - who doesn't want to be a Jedi amongst a laser-filled battleground? - and here it looks like rather than reinvent the wheel when it comes to who's being shown out the gate, they've simply refined things like Vader's epic stance and Fett's movement capabilities. Who's prepping up the side for the Rebels is yet to be seen, but here's hoping for Luke and a blaster-happy Solo/Leia combo to fill the ranks on that side.
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