Star Wars Battlefront: 11 Reasons It's A Big Disappointment

2. EA Are Saving The Best Content For DLC

The real bummer coming away from Battlefront is that EA and DICE have obviously engineered the game to be a "platform" moving forward rather than just a game which delivers all its content on-disc. DLC is fine, but it seems pretty damn obvious that EA have already developed a wealth more maps and characters, but are holding them back to try and milk gamers of more money for the Season Pass, which costs almost as much as the base game. It's reasonable to expect that the pass will feature maps of the Death Star, Dagobah, the Starkiller Base and hero characters such as Yoda, Lando Calrissian and Chewie, all of which should've really been included in the day one game, given how little content is actually present. It's infuriating that EA are quite obviously operating this way, though it's not particularly shocking. It will be up to gamers to vote with their wallets or decide that the content is worth such expenditure, but either way, it risks splitting the community hugely, as many will surely be principled enough not to cave in and let their Star Wars fandom get the better of them.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.