Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Biggest Fan Demands EA Must Listen To

6. Space Battles

One of the greatest losses in the transition from Battlefront 2 to the current game is the elimination of space battles. The 2015 answer is Fighter Squadron mode, and this is definitely appreciated, but fans and gamers alike want to experience aerial battles in space, simple as. Massive aerial dogfights are integral to the Star Wars brand, and any Battlefront game without them feels amiss. Honestly, the potential scope of the mode alone should be too enticing to pass up. This current generation has the power to render the epic battles we vividly remember from the films in a way they've never been done before. Whether space battles should be in their own mode or part of a larger one is a different conversation entirely, but they need to be in there in some capacity. Nothing captures the magic of Star Wars quite like blasting TIE fighters in the depths of space, and if the goal of this series is to do just that, it needs space battles.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.