Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Biggest Fan Demands EA Must Listen To

5. Tighter Ship Controls

Perhaps making the ships clunky and hard to control was an intended effect, but many people don€™t find flying fun enough to even bother this time round. When TIE fighter and X-Wing icons litter the landscape, too often you€™ll simply see players go directly around them, because they€™d rather be on the ground where the game is its most entertaining. Upcoming Battlefront games need to do a better job of making aerial ship combat feel tighter and more precise, while still retaining the speed and agility that makes piloting them so exhilarating. Things like turning, barrel rolls, and dodging enemy fire should be easier to pull off, which would increase the offensive and defensive abilities of both sides. You shouldn€™t have to feel helpless as an enemy fighter closes in on you with a homing missile; there should be options for survival for any situation. All this is to say that ship combat is currently too shallow of an experience, and that€™s because it wasn€™t given the same amount of attention as ground combat. Understandable to a certain extent, but fans want every element of Battlefront to feel equally polished. The next game needs to make piloting a space ship something everyone rushes towards, not away from.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.