Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Biggest Fan Demands EA Must Listen To

4. Online Split-Screen

Split-screen gaming, once a staple of the video game experience, has been steadily declining since the inclusion and growing popularity of online play. Despite this, there is still a vocal segment of gamers who decry the death of this beloved past time, and they were heard loud and clear when it was announced that Battlefront would not have online split-screen. Sure, there is an option to play split-screen co-op offline, and while that is better than nothing, fans want to be able to play local co-op online as well, as that is where the majority of the experience lies. It just seems like the exclusion of this option is another missed opportunity. Battlefront€™s more simple and arcade-y style already feels refreshingly old school, so online co-op would have fit in perfectly and been welcomed by older gamers who fondly remember playing past Star Wars games with their friends and family. Not every video game needs a split-screen option, but the near universal popularity of Star Wars makes Battlefront one of the top contenders to keep the pastime of in-person couch gaming alive.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.