Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Biggest Fan Demands EA Must Listen To

3. More Dynamic Game Modes

One of the major disappointments regarding Battlefront is its small number of game modes to choose from. On the surface nine modes seems decent enough, but when you actually explore them you realize that only a few of them are worth your time. Walker Assault, Heroes vs. Villains, and Fighter Squadron are the most enjoyable, and out of those three, Walker Assault is the only one to capture the essence of Star Wars. The reason Walker Assault works so well is because of its structure. Both sides have different and distinct goals that construct a narrative around the game mode; it tells a story. Really, Walker Assault should serve as the model for how to make every game mode for the next Battlefront. Players shouldn€™t be able to just run and gun; every mode should be dynamic and designed with a multi-level mission structure, so as to feel less like a standard shooter and more like a real battle. Conditions and objectives should be constantly changing and pushing players forward, while emphasis should be on teamwork and tactics. Battlefront is supposed to make you feel like you are in the middle of a great battle in the Star Wars universe, and Walker Assault is the only mode that really achieves this. The next game needs to build of the success of this mode and make every mission just as compelling and unique as the last.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.