Star Wars Battlefront 2: 12 Features EA Must Add

6. More Iden Versio

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Iden Versio proved to be quite a compelling character for the single-player campaign. Even though her story took a predictable turn quite early on, her Imperial routes made her the perfect catalyst for a Star Wars story. It was therefore a great surprise that her story supposedly came to an end in the Resurrection DLC, leaving her daughter Zay as the game’s next potential protagonist.

EA could continue with Zay in the spotlight, or they could go back and expand Iden’s story even further. The potential is all there.

After Takodana, it felt like we were going to be helping Han Solo liberate the Wookies on Kashyyyk, which alas, never happened. There is also a big jump between the missions Royalty (Naboo) and General Distress (Takodana), during which Iden has become an integral part of the Resistance movement, which so far has been left unexplored. Or they could go back even further, and build more into her time with the Empire as they struggle to maintain control of the galaxy.

The point is, there is plenty of scope to expand the single-player campaign and EA would be foolish to abandon it completely.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down