Star Wars Battlefront 2: 8 Things It Must Learn From Battlefield 1

6. A Story Behind Multiplayer Modes

star wars Battlefront Battlefield

An intriguing new addition to Battlefield 1 was the Operations multiplayer mode. A multi-stage assault, the aim was to push back the enemy across two different maps in a huge game of attrition.

What made the mode particularly interesting though was the way it contextualised each multiplayer match. Framed as real-world battles that happened during WW1, each map had a story behind it, giving players something to fight for.

But while Battlefront 2 sadly doesn't have the same scope to steal the whole game mode entirely, it should still add this contextual information into its multiplayer matches.

Instead of just being framed as random encounters happening in the Star Wars universe, a little scene-setting would go a long way in making gamers feel like they were actually playing iconic battles from the franchise, adding a bit more flavour and personality to these online bouts.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3