Star Wars Battlefront 2: 8 Things It Must Learn From Battlefield 1

1. An Insight Into The Heroes And Villains In The Single-Player

star wars Battlefront Battlefield

Although Iden Versio is the star of the new Battlefront's single-player campaign, the developers have announced that she isn't the only character you'll be taking control of in the game.

Already confirmed are Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker, meaning that the sequel's story will be casting a wider net than fans may have originally thought. However DICE would be missing a trick if it only made these playable hero sections quick, throwaway pieces of fan service.

Battlefield 1's single-player was so successful because it offered players intimate glimpses into a larger war, focusing on vignettes to detail little stories that played out over the course of short chapters.

For Battlefront 2 then DICE should utilise the same approach, using these breaks from the main campaign to control heroes and villains as a way to give fans an insight into the larger scale of the universe, while at the same time detailing the personal conflicts of these iconic characters.


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