Star Wars Battlefront 2 Controversy: 9 Things You Need To Know

1. The Launch Controversy STILL Dogs The Game

Star Wars Battlefront 2

You could argue that Battlefront 2 never fully recovered from what happened last November.

The annoyed parent groups, the label of a "Star Wars-themed online casino for kids", the tanking player numbers and the fact that as EA "turned off" microtransactions in response, even playing what we did get felt notably "in progress" - all resulted in detonating the game's future plans, as they were designed at launch.

We've had apologies from both EA and DICE, but the reality of whether you should play a game or not; whether you should be prepared to forgive X number of components or missing features, shouldn't require reading up on months of course correction.

The fact remains that EA are still dealing with the launch of Battlefront 2 to this day. Remixing priorities to address the business reality of a failed Star Wars game is what's happening.

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Gaming Editor

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