Star Wars Battlefront 2 Controversy: 9 Things You Need To Know

5. After Everything, Season 2 Is Underwhelming

star wars battlefront 2 jabbas palace

From launch day insanity to mistimed Last Jedi content to Ewok Hunt, all eyes were now on "Season 2" to right every last wrong, and make Battlefront 2 something that felt as good to navigate through, as it does to storm a checkpoint or pull off a Starfighter kill-streak.

Whether it be down to teams being removed from development or priorities being placed on restoring microtransactions, the new "season" - meant to tie into Solo: A Star Wars Story and be entirely themed around Han Solo - includes one map (Jabba's Palace, somewhat recycled from Battlefront 1), a 2v2 hero/villain mode, a Starfighter practice area and two skins.

You can read the full breakdown of every new addition here, and though there are some quality of life improvements like a main menu rework and the removal of holograms to view items, sufficed to say it's far from a "meaningful update".

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