Star Wars Battlefront 2 Controversy: 9 Things You Need To Know

4. Glitches & Bugs That Have Been In Since Launch

Star Wars Battlefront 2

One thing the teams have clearly not had time to prioritise when all hands where on the Progression Update, is bugs and glitches.

Something that literally takes a huge amount of personnel to recreate specific scenarios and then communicate accurately how anomalies where discovered, these can dog even the biggest video games in the industry.

For Battlefront though, we're talking updates happening only every month or so - not anything close to the regular rollouts of other online service titles like Fortnite or Overwatch.

Yes, the reality is that EA are managing their studios in a way that doesn't prioritise polish (we saw it with Mass Effect Andromeda, too), but players are going to notice this stuff in any given match, or every given match.

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Gaming Editor

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