Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 New Heroes DICE MUST Include

1. IG-88

Battlefront Ahsoka

The Mandalorian finally gave fans their first live-action look at just how deadly an IG droid unit truly can be. IG-11 wreaked absolute havoc in that show, which is why IG-88 (or even IG-11 for that matter), would be an excellent addition to Star Wars Battlefront III.

The franchise in the past has shown a lot of love for the classic Original Trilogy bounty hunters with the inclusions of Boba Fett, Greedo, Bossk and even Dengar. With all that being said, now is the perfect time to give IG his chance to shine and add to that Empire Strikes Back lineup of scum.

Star Wars Legends goes into ridiculous detail of all the weaponry the droid has at his disposal, with everything from toxic gas dispensers, sonic devices and even a flamethrower. All of which could be taken advantage of in the game to give him some truly awesome abilities.

It is also worth pointing out the lack of droids that have been available to play as in the past. BB-8 and BB-9E were welcome additions, but when droids are such a vital part of the Star Wars universe, it would certainly make sense to add more to the Battlefront franchise. DROID RIGHTS!

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