Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 Ways It Can Save The Franchise

8. Better Team Balancing

Star Wars Battlefront 3

Let's be completely real here: The team balancing in Battlefront 2 was god.awful.

One of the biggest problems that could be found in actual multiplayer matches is the fact that some teams just have a completely unfair advantage in their objectives. This needs to change.

The fact that the teams in Battlefront 2 aren't balanced often resulted in matches that were either over almost immediately or lasted way too long. There hasn't been a competitive game quite like it that has such transparently bad balancing.

Take for example, the Battle of Theed. Players who are droids are at a complete disadvantage, as if they fail the first section of the assault they instantly lose the game, whereas the clone troopers have at least three different attempts. On other maps it can be the complete opposite way around, but that doesn't stop the game from having awful balancing.

Never in a competitive multiplayer game should a player say, "Great, I'm that team.".


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.