Star Wars Battlefront: 5 Things You Need To Know About The New Single Player Mode

2. They Don't Want To Discuss Future Developments Just Yet

star wars battlefront

The EA Star Wars behind-the-scenes video shown at E3 (and reshown at the panel at Star Wars Celebration) talking about expanding Star Wars Battlefront in new directions; in addition to more maps, vehicles and other Star Wars ephemera, there was the mention of new eras. However, when pressed they seem very reluctant to actually discuss that.

Fegraeus was incredibly tight-lipped about the future beyond this update, merely stating that the plan is to stick to the Original Trilogy for an overall sense of continuity. While this makes for a more driven game, it does mean that getting things that span outside the Galactic Civil War - the Clone Wars or, more interestingly, the events of the sequel trilogy - won't be being brought to life.

There was a similar response when discussing the possibility of more single player, or if the team wishes they could have done more offline, which means we're unlikely to see anything more to accompany Skirmish (until they eventually react to the feedback to that).


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.