Star Wars: Battlefront Rogue One - 10 Ways To Nail The Scarif DLC

8. Make The Heroes Play Completely Differently To What We're Used To

Star wars battlefront rogue one

Upon unveiling the title and setting of Battlefront's final DLC, DICE also announced which characters would be commanding the imperial and rebel forces respectively: Jyn Erso (reprised by Felicity Jones) and Director Krennic (likewise, Ben Mendelsohn).

Most of the heroes apart from the Force-using characters all have the same kind of playstyle. Boba and Bossk feel fresh enough, sure, but usual run and gun characters like Han, Greedo and Lando all feel and play fairly similarly.

We need characters now who aren't just your usual sprint around the battlefield and go 'pew pew!' types. Chewie went in the right direction in offering buffs to nearby teammates, but what we really need are characters that can properly assist your everyday rank and file grunts. Maybe even one whose best strategy is to flank, rather than in engaging firefights head on.

Regardless, it'd be a huge waste if these heroes only offered a cosmetic change to what we've gotten used to over the past year. If anything's clear, more of the same just wouldn't cut it for Battlefront's final add-on.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.