Star Wars: Battlefront Rogue One - 10 Ways To Nail The Scarif DLC

7. Add Some Affordable Customisation To Characters

Star wars battlefront rogue one

Though it's a far cry from the hyper inflation of Grand Theft Auto, in-game prices for customisable cosmetic changes in Battlefront have risen particularly sharply these last few months. For reference, the most expensive item prior to the Outer Rim DLC was a shadow trooper outfit, which worked in at around 17,000 points. Not easily mustered even back then, but if that price tag makes your skin crawl, then you may wish to avert thyne eyes temporarily.

Currently, the most expensive in-game outfit in Battlefront costs in excess of 60,000 credits.


So basically, if you aren't a religious Battlefront player, and just so happen to take breaks in between each successive DLC, then there's literally no way you'd be able to accumulate the sum to get the brand new outfits.

Unless, of course, you fancy resorting to micro-transactions. Groan.

I mean, who doesn't want to be a Rebel/Imperial officer? Those outfits are fierce! But they're pretty pointless when only a fraction of your playerbase can actually afford to get them. It makes even less sense when you consider just how expensive the season pass was that players aren't granted instant access to them, but hey ho, guess I'll have to be content with 'Squidface Rebel Guy #263' for now.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.