Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Characters Who MUST Appear

1. Darth Vader

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Boba Ahsoka
Marvel Comics

Who better to take the place of the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order's main boss than Darth Vader himself? This is a really interesting era for the character, and would give fans the opportunity to see a different side to the most evil person in the galaxy.

As a young Vader, he could be still mastering the Dark Side of the Force, struggling to strangle Imperial Officers and potentially fighting off whatever remains of Anakin Skywalker inside his head and heart.

A young Vader would not be in control of his anger, making boss fights exciting and difficult, but making the Empire's finest have moments of weakness or even arrogance; a middle ground where he is transforming from Hayden Christensen into James Earl Jones, if you will.

A Vader cameo would send shivers down everyone's spines, but what's really needed is a more full-on role for the Emperor's right-hand man. The perfect boss, imposing, powerful and genuinely scary, Darth Vader is the ultimate Star Wars villain, and no fans could complain about his inclusion in Fallen Order.


Freelance games writer. Bulbasaur was the best starter Pokémon, and this is a hill I will die on.