Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Characters Who MUST Appear

2. The Crew Of The Ghost

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Boba Ahsoka
Disney XD

The Ghost is the ship at the centre of the hugely popular Star Wars Rebels television series, and its crew are the main characters. The rebels are an exciting bunch and would make great mentors, characters or even just cameos in any Star Wars game set around this time.

Pilot/owner of the Ghost Hera Syndulla and her lover Kanan Jarrus would come as a package, along with the Ghost and their trusty astromech droid Chopper, but Sabine Wren, Garazeb Orrelios and Ezra Bridger would also fit neatly into the story.

However, Kanan in particular could act as a mentor and Master, just as he did to Ezra, being a Jedi Padawan who also survived Order 66. The Ghost itself could also serve to get us from planet to planet, or away from trouble in a pickle.


Freelance games writer. Bulbasaur was the best starter Pokémon, and this is a hill I will die on.