Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Everything We Know So Far

4. The Protagonist Is A Surviving Jedi Padawan

Star Wars Starkiller

Even though the title is set after 99% of the Jedi Knights have been killed during Order 66, Respawn's game will cast players as one of the only surviving padawans from that genocide.

Again, this set up is extremely reminiscent of Star Wars games players have already enjoyed countless times before. The interim setting always needs to find an excuse to still include Jedi, with there either being a secret Sith apprentice or a hideaway Jedi who have allegedly been lurking in the shadows during the prequel movies.

Of course, it's far too soon to jump to conclusions considering Respawn have only revealed the basic setting, and there's a good chance that even with the creative restrictions, they'll still be able to weave a compelling story with this rogue Jedi padawan at the heart of it.


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