Street Fighter 6 DLC: 10 Characters Capcom MUST Add

7. Sodom

street fighter 6 sagat

Given how heavily Street Fighter 6's World Tour mode leans into the Final Fight games, its roster is surprisingly bereft of characters from that particular series. In our opinion, Sodom would be the perfect solution to that particular problem. (Now there's a sentence you don't want taken out of context).

Sodom may not be the most high profile member of Final Fight's cast, but he's still our number one pick. Haggar is too similar to Zangief, Guy's role as resident ninja has already been filled by Kimberley, and Cody had his shot in Street Fighter IV ??? V. Aside from a few background cameos, Sodom's been MIA from Street Fighter since the Alpha series ended in 2006, and its time for the linebacker-cum-Samurai to make his triumphant return.

In a game where gang members signify their criminal status by wearing cardboard boxes on their heads (no, really), Sodom's decision to go through life wearing a Samurai helmet appears positively sane, and his larger-than-life build and personality would be a perfect fit for Street Fighter 6's eye-catching aesthetic.

Also, let's be honest - Street Fighter has a high number of weebs among its fanbase (this writer among them), and it would be nice to get some representation in the form of gaming's biggest Japanophile. (Fun fact: His most famous win quote, "DIE JOB DEATH CAR?" is actually a horrible mispronunciation of "daijobu desu ka?").


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.