Street Fighter V: 10 Reasons It's A Huge Disappointment

5. Some MAJOR Roster Omissions

It's always good to trim the fat and make a point of forcing your fanbase to check out the new additions to any fighting game's roster - but the problem with Street Fighter V's, is that it's just too small. Newcomers like R. Mika and Rashid certainly play well enough, but at this point in the series' history, there are some omissions you can't make, without annoying literally thousands of people who have been playing with the same character for decades. From SF IV's 44-character strong rollout, we now only have 16 (a move that was most likely intended to reinforce the idea of the V-System for differentiation, but more on that later), as series veterans are cast to the wayside. Guys like Akuma, Sagat, Blanka etc. are most assuredly returning in the future (and for free, if Capcom keep their word), but for now you'll have to settle with forcing yourself into liking the new guys instead.
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