Summer Games Fest 2022: 20 Huge Video Game Announcements You Need To Know

16. Hideo Kojima Is Working With Microsoft On A New Cloud-Based Game

Starfield gameplay

It was one of the worst-kept secrets in the gaming industry, and so Microsoft finally put fans out of their misery by bringing Hideo Kojima aboard to confirm that he is working on a new game for the publisher.

Sadly we didn't get to see any gameplay or even a title, but Kojima stated that it would be taking advantage of Microsoft's cloud technology, as games such as Microsoft Flight Simulator have in recent years.

Kojima said that the game is "one that no one has ever experienced or seen before," before assuring players it wouldn't be releasing any time soon as "it may take some time."

While many were left disappointed that Kojima didn't have any gameplay to show - especially considering that Death Stranding released back in late 2019 - it's still neat to have confirmation that he's grafting away on an ambitious new project.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.