Super Mario Maker 2 Review: 6 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Friend Codes Are Boring

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Nintendo / Dan Rycket

Oh, Nintendo…

Now where the company excels is in their games: they play great, have memorable characters and rarely ever flop, but it seems to be everything around the games themselves that this company just can’t seem to get right.

Take voice chat on a Switch for example - there isn’t any! Nintendo just expects players to download a shoddy app and live with that and that's the same attitude they seem to have taken with Friend Codes too.

In Super Mario Maker 2, this is a particular hassle as the game is all about making and sharing levels for countless others to play, but as there is little to no search functionality other than entering IDs for players and levels, the whole thing is clunky. The best thing to do here is to find your favourite creators on Twitter or post out an ID when it is done.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.