Super Mario Odyssey: 10 Reasons It's Already A Game Of The Year Contender

7. It’s Going To Be Polished To Perfection

Super mario odyssey

One of the best aspects of any Super Mario game is how each one feels like it’s had absolutely all of Nintendo’s effort and love poured into it. There are rarely any severe glitches, crashes or anything game-breaking within, and that makes playing them an absolute joy.

This isn’t just the case with Mario games either; first-party Nintendo games as a whole are almost always polished until they shine like diamonds. Recent examples like Arms and Breath of the Wild just go to show how much care Nintendo put into their products.

Considering how big Super Mario Odyssey is for the company (it’s a Mario title, AND the first one to appear on the Switch), it’s absolutely undoubtable that it’ll have the same amount of energy put into it.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.