Super Mario Odyssey: 10 Reasons It's Already A Game Of The Year Contender

2. Each Kingdom Looks Unique And Huge

Super Mario Odyssey

Nintendo have made it clear that the main theme of Super Mario Odyssey is exploration. This is compounded by the Kingdoms in the game, all of which look massively unique from one another.

Let’s face it, not all levels in Mario games are created equal. Some, like Dire Dire Docks and Corona Mountain, are duds and don’t feel like they match up to the rest of the game. This doesn’t at all look like it’ll be the case with Super Mario Odyssey. Each and every single Kingdom in the game looks absolutely fantastic, and none of them feel like they’re wasting space being in the game.

From the grey hills of Bonneton, to the sparkling seas of Bubblaine, one of Super Mario Odyssey’s biggest strengths is the worlds it lets you explore. Here’s hoping that the remaining worlds looks as fantastic as the revealed ones.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.