Super Mario Odyssey - 10 Secrets And Easter Eggs Fans Will Love

7. The Deep Woods

Super Mario Odyssey Easter Eggs

The map in Super Mario Odyssey takes on the form of well, an actual map. It’s centred on a sort of tourist brochure, filled with pictures and information about whichever area Mario happens to be visiting on his journey.

If you take the time to zoom in and pay attention, you’ll notice that there are mini write-ups about points of interest in each Kingdom and that the Steam Gardens in particular seem to be hiding something rather sinister.

Jump off a certain edge of the map and instead of seemingly plummeting to your doom, you’ll instead land in a dark and considerably intimidating area (at least by Mario standards) called the Deep Woods. There’s a strange beast lumbering around the area and a circle of coins in the stream that likely came from some poor soul-turned dinosaur chow. There’s even a few Power Moons to grab, if you’re brave enough.


Big fan of gaming, reading, pro wrestling and complaining. Avid toy collector.