Super Mario Odyssey Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

5. It's Visually Stunning

Super Mario Odyssey
"Odyssey’s levels are, down to the last little patch of terrain, breathtakingly gorgeous, intricately designed, and wildly varied. Whether you’re swimming along a cliffside beach and the reefs underneath it, crawling through the dark underbrush of a forest where a realistically rendered Tyrannosaurus rex is skulking around through the trees, or leaping through an expansive desert of rust-red sand, the levels are alluring." - Kotaku
"Super Mario Odyssey is utterly gorgeous. For whatever people might think about the Switch’s relatively underpowered hardware, it doesn’t show for a second here. Whether playing on my 4K-capable 65-inch TV or enjoying the game in handheld mode on the Switch’s screen, I am constantly impressed by how crisp and colorful its worlds are. In a lot of modern games, I find it easy for visuals and music to sort of fade into the background; in Super Mario Odyssey, they play nearly as important a starring role as Nintendo’s mascot himself." - Polygon

Though the Switch won't ever be able to serve up the visual mastery of its console rivals, that doesn't stop it making fantastic use of its versatile tech, and Odyssey is another gorgeous adventure to go right alongside the eye-watering beauty of Breath of the Wild.

Sure, the textures aren't always immensely detailed and there has been some scattered criticism of New Donk City's visual style, but by and large, the colourful, visually witty level design has been deemed some of the series' best to date.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.